• You can join us

  • With your support, we can do much more. We would like you to JOIN our movement.

    Wherever you may be based, you can still,

  • Donate books and/or mobilize others to donate books.

  • Donate money and/or mobilize others to donate money.

  • Give ideas for creative interventions and network us with interested organizations or individuals.

  • Help us with online volunteering in terms of documentation, research & feedback.

  • Mobilize people in your community to replicate BAKUL or any aspect of BAKUL like the Library.

  • Mobilize people you know to be involved with & give their time.

  • Join Bakul Foundation Community on Facebook, Orkut & Twitter & mobilize others to join.

  • Join Bakul Blog , where you can participate in discussions on the work of BAKUL & also write in it.

  • If based in Odisha, you can use Bakul as a platform to find likeminded people to help you bring about the change you want in the world.

© www.bakul.org - 2016 all rights reserved.